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Past Productions

DREAMers: An (Un)Documentary Play

Developed with The Civilians Education Department in partnership with Make The Road New York

Written and directed by Adam Odsess-Rubin

DREAMers explores freedom, oppression, and identity as undocumented youth respond to the announcement of President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  Created from interviews conducted in 2012 with six young Dreamers in New York City, the play cuts through the news headlines to celebrate immigrants' real stories of pain and hope using the power of theater.

Want to bring DREAMers to your community? Email

Stage Manager: Jiawen Hu

Assistant Stage Manager: Aaje Aggarwal

Scenic/Props Designer: Ashley Setzler

Costume Designer: Joy Oh

Assistant Costume Designer: Margarita Herrera

Video Designer: Orsolya Szantho

Projection Designer: Attilio Rigotti

Sound Designer: Kari-Noor Shaka Thompson

Music Director: Abe Johnson

Dramaturg: Lauren Bidwell

Producer: Dylan Glickel

Production Manager: Theodosia Arcidiacono

Publicity and Outreach Coordinator: Sean Anthony Chia

NYU Cast: Sophia Aranda, Ja'asriel Bishop, Michelle Deme, Maya Lopez, Jess Orense, Attilio Rigotti, Aisha San Roman

Previous productions:


New York University

Theater for the New City

UC Santa Cruz

Undiscovered Countries Festival

Polar Plunge

Rainbow Theater

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